This blog caters to everyone who is looking for a personalised gift at an affordable price. All items posted are hand-made or DIY products. Currently, it focuses on the sales of Angel accessories made from Swaroski Crystals and beads. Soon, I'll be bringing in customised canvas shoes where you can pick from our collections or send in your designs for us to paint it for you.
If you are interested in purchasing the merchandises on sale in this blog, feel free to drop me an email at auroraphaela@hotmail.com or send me an sms at 92220991. Simply state your name, any other modes of contact that you prefer and the name of the item you are interested in. Then, I'll get back to you to confirm your order and the colours of the wings that you want. I'll arrange with you again once your items are ready for collection. My preferred method of exchanging goods for cash is meet-ups. It saves you from paying extra $$$ for the postages.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Some months ago, I have been watching a Hong Kong drama 'On The First Beat'. The angel keychain that Joey had and the one Ron made to give her caught my interest. So I went around sourcing for beads and decided to make them on my own. I have seen bead shops selling the Angel Handphone strap at $19. Thus, I decided to buy in bulk and make more to sell at a better price.
The angels are all made from swaroski crystals. So far, I have made keychains and earrings. Upon requests, I do customise angel pendants for necklaces but prices vary depending on sizes of the pendant.What are you waiting for??! Get yourself and your loved ones an angel charm now!
blogged at : 7:27 PM
Due to my sister's request of angel pendants for necklaces, I have began custom making them for public also upon requests. Currently, for the necklace chains, I am using rodium ones because they are cheaper than the black rubber ones that you can see from the pictures above. However, you can still request for the black rubber chains especially if you have sensitive skin, just that the prices may vary. You may pick the angel wings colours from the ones shown in the keychains and earrings link.
Large Angel as a pendant and rodium chain
(The size of the angel is that of the keychain angel, 2.5cm by 2cm)
Large Angel as a pendant and black rubber chain
(The size of the angel is that of the keychain angel, 2.5cm by 2cm)
Small Angel as a pendant and rodium chain
(The size of the angel is that of the earring angel, 2cm by 1.3cm)
Small Angel as a pendant and black rubber chain
(The size of the angel is that of the earring angel, 2cm by 1.3cm)
blogged at : 5:58 PM
Customised Keychain
If you feel that the size of the keychain is too big for your liking, you can request for a smaller one.
Small Angel Keychain(The size of the angel is that of the earring angel, 2cm by 1.3cm)$4.80
blogged at : 5:32 PM
Customised Earrings
Some of my friends preferred having bigger angel earrings. Now, I custom make for public too. As the angel is larger, it is more pricey. Thus, you may pick from either getting just one side or a pair.
Large Angel Earring (One-side)
(The size of the angel is that of the keychain angel, 2.5cm by 2cm)
Large Angel Earring (A pair)
(The size of the angel is that of the keychain angel, 2.5cm by 2cm)
blogged at : 4:35 PM
Mass Production
blogged at : 8:26 AM
Special Order
During the bazzar, a customer wanted a more dangling earring. As a result, I customised a pair for her by adding some beads. The picture is rather blur but it does the work.
blogged at : 7:12 AM